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Cambridge Gulf Police Quarters.
Cambridge Gulf Police Quarters.

AU WA S399- cons1647 00165

Carnarvon Court House.
Carnarvon Court House.

AU WA S399- cons1647 00166

Carnarvon Police Cells and Gaol.
Carnarvon Police Cells and Gaol.

AU WA S399- cons1647 00167

4/80 Chain Plan, sheet 4 [Tally No. 501091]
4/80 Chain Plan, sheet 4 [Tally No. 501091]

AU WA S981 cons5386 0017

Albany Sheet 7 [Tally No. 503637].
Albany Sheet 7 [Tally No. 503637].

AU WA S2168 cons5698 0017

Hamelin Police Quarters.
Hamelin Police Quarters.

AU WA S399- cons1647 00170

Shark Bay Police Station, includes plan of Denham Townsite.
Shark Bay Police Station, includes plan of Denham Townsite.

AU WA S399- cons1647 00172

Derby Court House.
Derby Court House.

AU WA S399- cons1647 00175

Beverley Police Station, Post Office, Tavell.
Beverley Police Station, Post Office, Tavell.

AU WA S399- cons1647 00178

Albany Sheet 8 [Tally No. 503638].
Albany Sheet 8 [Tally No. 503638].

AU WA S2168 cons5698 0018

4/80 Chain Plan, sheet 5 [Tally No. 501092]
4/80 Chain Plan, sheet 5 [Tally No. 501092]

AU WA S981 cons5386 0018

Greenough Flats Police Station.
Greenough Flats Police Station.

AU WA S399- cons1647 00183

Lakes, York Road Police Station, signed by W. Cowan R.M.
Lakes, York Road Police Station, signed by W. Cowan R.M.

AU WA S399- cons1647 00184

Esperance Bay Police Station.
Esperance Bay Police Station.

AU WA S399- cons1647 00186

Mount Wittenoom Police Station (Jewell).
Mount Wittenoom Police Station (Jewell).

AU WA S399- cons1647 00187

4/80 Chain Plan, sheet 6 South [Tally No. 501093]
4/80 Chain Plan, sheet 6 South [Tally No. 501093]

AU WA S981 cons5386 0019

Albany Sheet 9 [Tally No. 503639].
Albany Sheet 9 [Tally No. 503639].

AU WA S2168 cons5698 0019

Government House Perth, proposed alterations, elevations, floor plans and sections.
Government House Perth, proposed alterations, elevations, floor plans and sections.

AU WA S399- cons1647 00199

Return of persons on the premises of Matthew Hall
Return of persons on the premises of Matthew Hall

AU WA S4162 cons101 001A

Return of persons on the premises of James Hicks
Return of persons on the premises of James Hicks

AU WA S4162 cons101 002

A.C. Gregory - explorations in Northern Districts No. II, 1848.
A.C. Gregory - explorations in Northern Districts No. II, 1848.

AU WA S50 cons3423 002

Council Minutes
Council Minutes

AU WA S287- cons2826 002

Canning Stock Route - plan of original survey by A.W. Canning between Murguga Native Well and north of Kudurra Native Well, c. 1906 [Tally No. 006900].
Canning Stock Route - plan of original survey by A.W. Canning between Murguga Native Well and north of Kudurra Native Well, c. 1906 [Tally No. 006900].

AU WA S50 cons7244 002

Albany 30B. No 2 Albany, King George's Sound, Samson [scale: 6 chains to an inch].
Albany 30B. No 2 Albany, King George's Sound, Samson [scale: 6 chains to an inch].

AU WA S235 cons3868 002

Survey between Rous Head and Perth by George Smythe, sheet 5 [Tally No. 005111].
Survey between Rous Head and Perth by George Smythe, sheet 5 [Tally No. 005111].

AU WA S234 cons3844 002

Proposed Bathing Pavilion and shops to the central Cottesloe Beach for the Cottesloe Municipal Council. July 1929. Sheet 1: Showing elevations and cross- sections.
Proposed Bathing Pavilion and shops to the central Cottesloe Beach for the Cottesloe Municipal Council. July 1929. Sheet 1: Showing elevations and cross- sections.

AU WA S5475- cons7757 002-1

Proposed Bathing Pavilion and shops to the central Cottesloe Beach for the Cottesloe Municipal Council. July 1929 Sheet 2: Floor plans Ground 2,3,4.
Proposed Bathing Pavilion and shops to the central Cottesloe Beach for the Cottesloe Municipal Council. July 1929 Sheet 2: Floor plans Ground 2,3,4.

AU WA S5475- cons7757 002-2

Proposed Bathing Pavilion and shops to the central Cottesloe Beach for the Cottesloe Municipal Council. July 1929 Sheet 3 Same as Sheet 2 annotated.
Proposed Bathing Pavilion and shops to the central Cottesloe Beach for the Cottesloe Municipal Council. July 1929 Sheet 3 Same as Sheet 2 annotated.

AU WA S5475- cons7757 002-3

Proposed Bathing Pavilion and shops to the central Cottesloe Beach for the Cottesloe Municipal Council. Floor plan.
Proposed Bathing Pavilion and shops to the central Cottesloe Beach for the Cottesloe Municipal Council. Floor plan.

AU WA S5475- cons7757 002-4

Albany Sheet 10 [Tally No. 503640].
Albany Sheet 10 [Tally No. 503640].

AU WA S2168 cons5698 0020

4/80 Chain Plan, sheet 7 North [Tally No. 501094]
4/80 Chain Plan, sheet 7 North [Tally No. 501094]

AU WA S981 cons5386 0020

Roebourne Residency, (Jewell).
Roebourne Residency, (Jewell).

AU WA S399- cons1647 00207

Roebourne Residency.
Roebourne Residency.

AU WA S399- cons1647 00208

Roebourne Residency, verandah shutters.
Roebourne Residency, verandah shutters.

AU WA S399- cons1647 00209

4/80 Chain Plan, sheet 8 [Tally No. 501095]
4/80 Chain Plan, sheet 8 [Tally No. 501095]

AU WA S981 cons5386 0021

Albany Sheet 11 [Tally No. 503641].
Albany Sheet 11 [Tally No. 503641].

AU WA S2168 cons5698 0021

Camden Harbour Residency, public buildings, (Manning).
Camden Harbour Residency, public buildings, (Manning).

AU WA S399- cons1647 00210

Cambridge Gulf Residency, Wyndham.
Cambridge Gulf Residency, Wyndham.

AU WA S399- cons1647 00211

Carnarvon Residency.
Carnarvon Residency.

AU WA S399- cons1647 00214

Government House Perth, new building, Henderson,Lim,Grain,Thoral (R.E),Manning and Jewell..
Government House Perth, new building, Henderson,Lim,Grain,Thoral (R.E),Manning and Jewell..

AU WA S399- cons1647 00215 book 1

Government House Perth, new building, Henderson,Lim,Grain,Thoral (R.E),Manning and Jewell.
Government House Perth, new building, Henderson,Lim,Grain,Thoral (R.E),Manning and Jewell.

AU WA S399- cons1647 00215 book 2

Existing Government House Perth, old details, signed by various R.E, Jewell and Manning.
Existing Government House Perth, old details, signed by various R.E, Jewell and Manning.

AU WA S399- cons1647 00217

Existing Government House Perth, old details, signed by various R.E, Jewell and Manning.
Existing Government House Perth, old details, signed by various R.E, Jewell and Manning.

AU WA S399- cons1647 00219

4/80 Chain Plan, sheet 9a [Tally No. 501097]
4/80 Chain Plan, sheet 9a [Tally No. 501097]

AU WA S981 cons5386 0022

Albany Sheet 12 [Tally No. 503642].
Albany Sheet 12 [Tally No. 503642].

AU WA S2168 cons5698 0022

Proposed Emigration Depot Perth, Wellington and Goderich Streets.
Proposed Emigration Depot Perth, Wellington and Goderich Streets.

AU WA S399- cons1647 00223

Immigration Department Fremantle No.2 Barracks, corner of Henderson and Queen Streets.
Immigration Department Fremantle No.2 Barracks, corner of Henderson and Queen Streets.

AU WA S399- cons1647 00224

Immigration Department Fremantle, No.2 Barracks, corner of Henderson and Queen Streets.
Immigration Department Fremantle, No.2 Barracks, corner of Henderson and Queen Streets.

AU WA S399- cons1647 00225

Collie River Bridge Design, elevation and cross section.
Collie River Bridge Design, elevation and cross section.

AU WA S399- cons1647 00227

Blackwood River Bridge as erected by T. Watson.
Blackwood River Bridge as erected by T. Watson.

AU WA S399- cons1647 00228

Results 101 to 150 of 8157