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John McCarthy

Absented himself from his Master’s service without consent, he being at the time engaged to one John Welstead as shepherd – two months imprisonment with hard labour. Reg 8362

John Moore

Memo Number 1187 from the Sheriffs Office, Perth, informing Mr McGovern, Gaoler, Albany that the Governor is pleased to remit a fortnight of the sentence of two years passed upon John Moore on the 18th August, 1880.

Tam Chow, a Chinaman

being under an engagement as general servant with Horace Warburton did absent himself from said service without his Master’s consent – two months imprisonment with hard labour. Chinaman

Hugh Levorne

Drunk and disorderly on York Street – one month imprisonment with hard labour. Reg 5993

Jonas Haynes

Drunk and disorderly in the public streets – seven days imprisonment with hard labour. Marked A. Reg 111

Jonas Haynes

Being a person prohibited from being supplied with liquor, did enter a public house for the purpose of obtaining liquor – seven days imprisonment with hard labour, to commence on termination of warrant marked A of this days date. Reg 111

Jackey – a coloured man, native of India

Did embezzle certain ships’ stores on board the Shannon, being the property of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company and under the value of five pounds – twelve weeks imprisonment with hard labour. India.

Lewis Davis

Drunk and disorderly at the Weld Arms – fined five shillings or three days imprisonment with hard labour in default. Reg 6272

John Brown

Drunk and incapable in York Street – seven days imprisonment with hard labour.

Jonas Haynes

On the 17th instant, did enter the premises of the Freemason’s Hotel at Albany for the purpose of obtaining liquor, he being a person prohibited from being supplied with liquor under 44 Vic No. 9 – seven days imprisonment with hard labour. Reg 111

John Brown

Drunk and incapable in the public streets – twenty one days imprisonment with hard labour.

Edward Baldock

Drunk and disorderly in the town of Kojonup on the 4th instant – fourteen days imprisonment with hard labour.

Edward Baldock

Violently resisted and assaulted the Police in the execution of their duty – one calendar month imprisonment with hard labour. Cumulative on the one for drunkeness on the 4th inst. Expiree.

Daniel Flynn

Idle, loose and disorderly person wandering about the bush from the 13th to 17th April - one calendar month imprisonment with hard labour.

William Evans

Drunk on the Perth road - fined seven shillings and sixpence and three shillings and sixpence costs or seven days imprisonment with hard labour. Discharged on 27th April - fine paid. Reg 813

Charles [James] Chowney

Wandering abroad supposed to be of unsound mind - remanded in custody then forwarded to Lunatic Asylum per S. S. Otway. Reg 5225

James Chowney

Memo from the Resident Magistrate to the Gaoler informing him that Chowney is to be transported on the 'Otway' to Lunatic Asylum, having been certified by the Medical Officer and wants watching. Reg 5225

James Stevens

On about 31st March, one Watch and Chain, feloniously did steal, take and carry away from the person of John King - remanded in custody for trial.

Lewis Davis

Between 31st March and 8th April last past, one watch and Albert chain did receive and have, he the said Lewis Davis well knowing the same to have been stolen - remanded in custody then eighteen months imprisonment.

Dickey Bumble, an Aboriginal native

On the 24th August last past, did absent himself from the service of A. and G. Moir, his masters, without their consent thereby causing a loss of 50 sheep by poison - fourteen days imprisonment to commence on termination of sentence of six weeks o...

Edwin Riley

On or about 14th March last feloniously did steal, take and carry away one silver watch the property of one Thomas Giblet - remanded. Reg 8694

Charles Pugh

Drunk in the public street - fourteen days imprisonment with hard labour. Marked A. Reg 7227

Charles Pugh

Violently resisted the police in the execution of their duty - seven days imprisonment with hard labour to commence on termination of warrant marked A. Reg 7227

James Jefferies alias James Thompson

Assaulted and beat Mary Elizabeth Jefferies by knocking her down with his fists - ten pounds personal surety and two sureties of five pounds to keep the Peace for six months. Released May 13th 1882

John Doyle

Drunk in the public street - fined five shillings or three days imprisonment with hard labour in default. Fine paid 16th May 1882. Reg 8540

Edwin Riley

On or about 14th April last past, one watch the property of the said Thomas Giblet feloniously did steal, take and carry away - remanded for trial.

Edwin Riley

On the fourteenth day of March one silver watch of Thomas Giblett before then feloniously stolen, taken and carried away, feloniously did receive and have, he then well known the said goods and chattels to have been feloniously stolen, taken and c...

John Doyle

Drunk and disorderly in the public streets - one month imprisonment with hard labour. Marked A. Reg 8540

John Doyle

Loose, idle, drunken and disorderly person - one month imprisonment with hard labour, to commence on termination of warrant marked A. Reg 8540

Samuel Samuels

On or about the 20th instant feloniously did steal certain goods the property of Mary and James Roach, to wit three towels, five plates, one fruit measure, one Tablespoon and one knife under the value of five pounds - fourteen days imprisonment w...

Nicholas McDonald

Deserted the Barque 'Bartholomew Gosnold'- twelve weeks imprisonment with hard labour unless otherwise ordered. Seaman.

Francisco Touleary

Deserted the Barque 'Bartholomew Gosnold'- twelve weeks imprisonment with hard labour unless otherwise ordered. Seaman.

Antonio Fiallio

Deserted the Barque 'Bartholomew Gosnold'- twelve weeks imprisonment with hard labour unless otherwise ordered. Seaman.

John Hawkins

Engaged to serve George Allen as a general servant and did absent himself from such service without his employer's consent, on or about 16th December 1881 - two months imprisonment with hard labour. Reg 7720

Edward McNeil

Illegally concealed on board the barque 'Alice Muir' this morning with intent to defraud the owners of said barque - remanded in custody

Edward Brown

Illegally concealed on board the barque 'Alice Muir' this morning with intent to defraud the owners of said barque - remanded in custody

Perleg F. Brewer

Deserted the Barque 'Bartholomew Gosnold' without lawful excuse - twelve weeks imprisonment with hard labour unless otherwise ordered. Seaman.

Salvato Jacinto

Deserted the Barque 'Bartholomew Gosnold' without leave - twelve weeks imprisonment with hard labour unless otherwise ordered. Seaman.

Joseph Mello alias Wells

Deserted the Barque 'Bartholomew Gosnold' without leave - twelve weeks imprisonment with hard labour unless otherwise ordered. Seaman.

James Burns

On the 9th October last, did absent himself from his Master's service without permission - remanded in custody

Manuel De Avilia

Unlawfully deserted the Barque 'Bartholomew Goswald' - twelve weeks imprisonment with hard labour unless otherwise ordered. Seaman.

James Byrne

Disobeyed a Magisterial summons to appear at the Court House, Albany, on the 2nd February last past - fined ten shillings or three days imprisonment with hard labour

William Sherry

Drunk and disorderly in the public streets - fined twenty shillings or seven days imprisonment with hard labour in default. Marked A. Reg 9566

William Sherry

Violently resisted the Police in the execution of their duty - fined twenty shillings or seven imprisonment with hard labour to commence on termination of commitment for being drunk and disorderly of this date marked A. Reg 9566

John Thompson

Order from Colonial Secretary to the Acting Sheriff, Perth to keep Thompson in Perth Prison for conviction for larceny - two years with hard labour. Reg 8145

Joshua Lockwood

Having agreed to cut and clean 100 tons of Sandalwood for John F. T. Hassell, did absent himself before the termination of the contract - fourteen days imprisonment with hard labour. Reg 8916

Results 151 to 200 of 821