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Ah Tooey, [Ah Toe] [Ah Tooe] a Chinaman

On about 12th March last, sundry gold and silver coins, seven one pound Bank notes and one cheque amounting to twenty four pounds and ten shillings Sterling, feloniously did steal, take and carry away – eighteen months imprisonment with hard lab...

Thomas White

Drunk on the 23rd – seven days imprisonment with hard labour. Marked A. Reg 6131

Thomas White

Loose, idle person, loitering about public houses since 12th instant – one month imprisonment with hard labour and cumulative on commitment marked A of this day's date. Reg 6131

John Booker

Drunk on the 23rd – fourteen days imprisonment with hard labour. Reg 9082

Ambrose Harrison

In Perth Court – on or about 29th February, feloniously did steal, take and carry away one bridle of the value of seven shillings and sixpence of the goods and chattels of James Gegg, Dean of Perth – six months imprisonment with hard labour. Reg ...

Ambrose Harrison

In Perth Court – at Perth on the 26th February feloniously did steal, take and carry away one spade, one Frying pan and a quantity of Tea, of the value of ten shillings of the goods and chattels of William Tipper – six months imprisonment with har...

Edward Gregory, Alexander Bailie

On the 13th instant, they feloniously did steal, take and carry away from the Albany Race course, one Silver Watch and watch chain the property of John Hayman - remanded in custody

Edward Gregory

On the 13th, feloniously did steal, take and carry away from the Albany Race course, one silver Geneva double case, keyless, watch and one silver double link watch chain the property of John Hayman and under the value of five pounds – six months i...

Charles Dixon

On the 19th instant, at Chorkerup, three horses of the goods and chattels of Randal E. Warburton, also one mare of his own property feloniously, unlawfully and maliciously did maim or wound - remanded in custody

Charles Dixon

Recognizance of bail – Charles Dixon (fifty pounds), Cuthbert McKenzie (twenty five pounds), Martin Costello (twenty five pounds) provided bail.

W. J. Gillam

Memo from Consul of the United States, King George's Sound, to Resident Magistrate, R. C. Loftie, requesting two seamen imprisoned for desertion from the Whaler 'Bertha' be handed to him on Monday morning 24th to be placed on board ...

R. C. Loftie

Memo from Resident Magistrate to the Gaoler requesting two seamen of the 'Bertha' be given to the Police to be placed on board the Vessel.

W. J. Gillam

Memo from U.S. Consul Gillam to R. C. Loftie requesting release from prison of Jose Silva Vird and Antonia Verino of the 'Bertha' of New Bedford, USA

Jose Silva Vird

Deserted the U.S. Barque 'Bertha' on the 21st instant – eight weeks imprisonment with hard labour or until required to be put back on board said Barque. Seaman

Antonio Verino

Deserted the U.S. Barque 'Bertha' on the 21st instant – eight weeks imprisonment with hard labour or until required to be put back on board said Barque. Seaman

Victor Regino, an Indian

In Perth Court – at Perth on 29th March, disorderly in a public street, namely hay Street in the City of Perth- six months imprisonment with hard labour. Indian.

J. McGovern

Memo from Albany Gaoler to Sheriff of Perth Roe, querying the signing of the Warrant of Commitment of Victor Regino. [02625] and [02626] are pinned together.

Catherine Jones

Had in her possession one silver breast pin and two gold finger rings reasonably suspected of being stolen or unlawfully obtained, the property of Richard. Y. Johnston – seven days imprisonment with hard labour.

John Meredith

In Guildford Court – on the 25th March, did feloniously steal, take and carry away one Meerschaum pipe valued at fifteen shillings the property of John King – six months imprisonment with hard labour. 24 days remission.

William Sherry

Drunk and disorderly in public streets – fourteen days imprisonment with hard labour. Reg 9566

Samuel Neville

Deserted from the U. S. barque 'Bartholomew Grosnold' – four weeks imprisonment with hard labour or until applied for by the U.S. Consul or Master of the Barque. Seaman

Thomas Pickering

Memo from Resident Magistrate to the Gaoler informing him that Pickering should have a remission to his sentence of six months to the extent of 14 days.

Ann Betteridge

Drunk at Kojonup on the 28th April and also a rogue and vagabond having previously been convicted as a loose, idle and disorderly person – three calendar months imprisonment with hard labour at Albany Gaol.

Patrick Smith

Drunk and incapable in the public streets – fourteen days imprisonment with hard labour. Reg 9299

John McKenzie

Drunk and sleeping in the open air and having no visible means of support – fourteen days imprisonment with hard labour.

Thomas Pool

Drunk on the jetty on the 8th instant – seven days imprisonment with hard labour or till required by the Master of the 'West Australian' to be placed on board. Seaman

Thomas Turner

Loose, idle, drunken person, deemed a Rogue and Vagabond – three months imprisonment with hard labour.

William Sherry

Loose, idle, and drunken person, loitering about public houses, and is deemed a Rogue and Vagabond – two months imprisonment with hard labour. Reg 9566

Billy Moolup, Aboriginal native

On 6th May, did engage to bring sundry Sheep from Mt Barker to Albany for the sum of ten shillings, which engagement he did not perform – one month imprisonment with hard labour. Aboriginal

John McKenzie

Drunk in the public streets – fined ten shillings or seven days imprisonment with hard labour in default.

Joseph Selvero, Joseph Silvia

Did disobey lawful commands on board the U.S. Barque 'Bertha' – four weeks imprisonment with hard labour or till required by the Consul or Master to be sent on board. Seamen

Antone Silvero, Sebastian Prada

Did disobey lawful commands on board the U.S. Barque 'Bertha' – four weeks imprisonment with hard labour or till required by the Consul or Master to be sent on board. Seamen

Joseph P. Mertog, Frances Spinia

Did disobey lawful commands on board the U.S. Barque 'Bertha' – four weeks imprisonment with hard labour or till required by the Consul or Master to be sent on board. Seamen

Emanuel Silva, Emanuel Virpia

Did disobey lawful commands on board the U.S. Barque 'Bertha' – four weeks imprisonment with hard labour or till required by the Consul or Master to be sent on board. Seamen

Emanuel S. Silva

Memo from U.S. Consul to R. Loftie, Resident Magistrate, requesting release of Silva and to be handed over the Captain Cleveland of the 'Bertha'. Seaman.

Alex Bailie [Alexander Baillie]

Memo from Sheriff of Perth, James Roe, to Resident Magistrate of Albany requesting Bailie's presence in Perth in regard to a bigamy case and to place him on the first steamer to Perth. Reg 4381

Patrick Smith

Feloniously did steal, take and carry away from a dwelling, four bottles of beer, the property of Jean Galle – seven days imprisonment with hard labour. Reg 9299

Ernst Bose

Deserted the U.S. barque 'Bertha' without permission – remanded in custody. Seaman

Michael Ryan

Assaulted and beat Hugh Levorne – two months imprisonment with hard labour. Reg 8697

Thomas Payne, Joe Rui Joseph

Refused to obey lawful commands on board the U.S. barque 'Platina' – three days imprisonment with hard labour or until they are required to be sent on board by the Consul or Master of said Barque. Seamen

Christopher Mason

At Kojonup, in the possession of two bottles reasonably supposed to be unlawfully obtained and not giving a satisfactory account of how he became possessed of the same – three calendar months imprisonment with hard labour

Jacob Limbacher

Deserted the barque 'Canton' without permission – twelve weeks imprisonment with hard labour or until required by the Master or Consular Agent. Discharged 1884-09-15 and placed on board. Seaman

Lewis Kruff

Deserted the barque 'Canton' without permission – twelve weeks imprisonment with hard labour or until required by the Master or Consular Agent. Discharged 1884-09-15 and placed on board. Seaman

James Worth

Drunk and disorderly at Kojonup and was also an idle, loose, and disorderly person – one calendar month imprisonment with hard labour.

Henry Kenneth

Assaulted the police in the execution of their duty – fourteen days imprisonment with hard labour.

Results 451 to 500 of 822