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Mingo, an Aboriginal

Absconded from his Master's service without leave, having engaged as General Servant and received five shillings and sixpence in cash on April 13th last - one month imprisonment with hard labour. Aboriginal

John Marks

Drunk on the Perth road - fined ten shillings or seven days imprisonment with hard labour in default. Seaman

John Marks

Absented himself from the 'Miss Kilmansegg' without leave - twelve weeks imprisonment with hard labour or until the brig is ready to leave when he is is to be handed over to the police on demand of the Master. Seaman

Charles Miller

Absented himself from the barque 'India' without leave on the 10th instant - seven days imprisonment or until the barque is ready for sea when he is to be handed over to the police on demand of the Master. Discharged to be placed on boar...

Wang a Chi

Loose, idle and disorderly person wandering abroad without any visible means of subsistence on the 14th instant - remanded in custody

Thomas W. Lewis

Assaulted Olaf Ohlson, Mate of the 'Oceania' on 17th instant - one month imprisonment with hard labour or until the barque is ready to leave when he is is to be handed over to the police on demand of the Master. Seaman

Thomas W. Lewis

Refused his duty on the 'Oceania' on the 7th and 11th instant - fourteen days imprisonment with hard labour. Seaman

John Doyle

Loose, idle, drunken and disorderly - fourteen days imprisonment with hard labour. Reg 8530

Wang ah Chi

Loose, idle and disorderly person wandering abroad without any visible means of subsistence - one month imprisonment with hard labour unless he shall be sooner taken charge of by his employer, or shipped by him to Singapore. Additional seven days....

Thomas Higgins

On 25th April last, one sheep the property of Albert G. Hassell and others, feloniously and wilfully did kill with intent feloniously to steal the carcass of the said sheep - remanded in custody.

John Colgan

Loose, idle, drunken and disorderly and did disturb the public peace - fourteen days imprisonment with hard labour. Pensioner

Ann Betteridge

Feloniously did take, steal and carry away from the Bar of the Kojonup Inn one bottle containing about one pint of Rum, the property of John Dearle – one month imprisonment to be cumulative on the former sentence of one month for drunkeness.

Alfred McIntosh

Did unlawfully assault and beat one Mary McIntosh, by catching hold of her by the throat and throwing her on the ground – two months imprisonment with hard labour.

William Bowe

Neglected his duty as a hired servant, he having neglected to look after a team of horses placed in his charge by one James Tunney – seven days imprisonment with hard labour. Reg 3951

Mathew Horsfield

Loose, idle person, wandering about without any visible means of support and sleeping in the public streets – remanded continuously until August 18, 1881 then discharged. Reg 92

Charles Haslam

Contempt of Court by disobeying a Magisterial Summons requiring him to appear at the Court House on the charge of assaulting Margaret Haslam on the 13th inst – seven days imprisonment. Reg 3751

Yungala, an Aboriginal native

Charged that on 20th March 1880, he did wilfully, maliciously and feloniously kill and murder John Dunn at Corkenarup – remanded continuously until September 18, 1881. Aboriginal

Billy Molup, an Aboriginal native

Absconded from his Master’s service on 28th may last, he being under an engagement with Albert G. Hassell for a period of two months from about May 1st last – one month imprisonment with hard labour from 9th instant. Aboriginal

Wang ah Chie

Loose, idle and disorderly person without any visible means of support – remanded then discharged.

Thomas Higgins

Committed for trial on charge that on 25th April last on the Blackwood river, one sheep of the goods and chattels of Albert G. Hassell and others, feloniously and wilfully did kill, with intent feloniously to steal, take and carry away the carcass...

John Doyle

Drunk and incapable in the lane of the Freemason’s Hotel – twenty one days imprisonment with hard labour. Reg 8540

Abraham Butter

Drunk on the Perth road – fined twenty shillings or seven days imprisonment with hard labour in default. Reg 7644

John Doyle

Drunk and disorderly in the public streets – one month imprisonment with hard labour. Reg 8540

James Gillespie

Drunk and disorderly in the public streets – seven days imprisonment with hard labour. Reg 5794

Alfred McIntosh

On Mary McIntosh’s oath, threaten to kill me, chasing me at same time with an axe and catching me by the threat – ten pounds recognizance, and two sureties of five pounds to keep the peace for six months.

William Sherry

Drunk and disorderly at the Weld Arms – one month imprisonment with hard labour. Reg 9566

Jonas Haynes

Drunk and disorderly in the public streets – seven days imprisonment with hard labour. Reg 111

Ching Chong, a Chinaman

Being a labourer in the employ of John McKail and Co on 23rd instant did refuse to work at his usual and lawful employment and did absent himself without leave – three weeks imprisonment with hard labour. Chinaman

We Kai Hoa, Chinaman

Refused to perform an engagement entered into by him as general labourer – fourteen days imprisonment with hard labour. Chinaman

James Harding

Drunk on the premises of the Freemasons Hotel – fourteen days imprisonment with hard labour. Reg 3735

Alfred McIntosh

Charge – did steal, take and carry away one grey pony the property of John McKenzie – remanded

Alfred McIntosh

Made use of abusive and threatening language towards Richard Downey – fined ten shillings or seven days imprisonment in default.

John Doyle

Drunk on the premises of the Freemasons Hotel – twenty one days imprisonment with hard labour. Reg 8540

A. Woodbridge

Return of Colonial prisoners forwarded to Albany from Perth Gaol to work at the Sandpatch by order of the Sheriff. Colonial prisoners – Thomas Taylor, Thomas Green, Patrick Regan, William Webb, William Bowler, David Hay, Charles Bailey, John Gray,...

Alfred McIntosh

Did steal, take and drive away one grey pony, the property of John McKenzie of Albany – committed for trial, detained in gaol.

John Colgan

Drunk in the public streets – fourteen days imprisonment with hard labour.

Lou Ching Chow, a Chinaman

Being a hired servant in the employ of the firm of John McKail and Co. did refuse to perform his lawful agreement – three months imprisonment with hard labour. Chinaman

Ching Hang, a Chinaman

On the 14th instant at Kendenup, did assault Alexander Slater – seven days imprisonment with hard labour. Marked A. Chinaman

Ching Hang, a Chinaman

On the 15th instant at Kendenup, did refuse to perform his duty as an hired servant in the employ of A. G. Hassell – seven days imprisonment with hard labour to be cumulative on warrant for assault on this day marked A. Chinaman.

David Hanson

Refused to give his name to the Police when required to do so – fined ten shillings or seven days imprisonment with hard labour in default. Reg 8305

Results 51 to 100 of 821