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Andrews, Edward (Service No.: - ), Repairer

Andrews, Edward (Service No.: - ), Repairer

AU WA S23 cons3393 Andrews, E.

Andrews, Frederick Alfred (Service No.: - ), Driver/Driver C.1/ Ch.

Andrews, Frederick Alfred (Service No.: - ), Driver/Driver C.1/ Ch.

AU WA S23 cons3393 Andrews, F.A.

Andrews, Frederick Alfred (Service No.: - ), Cas Cleaner/Cleaner/Fireman/Fire...

Andrews, Frederick Alfred (Service No.: - ), Cas Cleaner/Cleaner/Fireman/Fireman 2nd Class/Driver 4 C/Driver 3rd C/Driver 2nd C/Fireman 1st C/Driver

AU WA S23 cons3393 Andrews, F.A.

Andrews, Frederick Joseph (Service No. 12216), Casual Labourer/Labourer/Fuelm...

Andrews, Frederick Joseph (Service No. 12216), Casual Labourer/Labourer/Fuelman/Examiner/C.W. Exam./Ldg Examiner

AU WA S23 cons3393 Andrews, F.J.

Andrews, Frederick Samuel (Service No.: - ), Fitter

Andrews, Frederick Samuel (Service No.: - ), Fitter

AU WA S23 cons3393 Andrews, F.S.

Andrews, George (Service No: - ), Labourer

Andrews, George (Service No: - ), Labourer

AU WA S23 cons3393 Andrews, G.

Andrews, Horace Clifford (Service No.: - ), Cas. Porter/Porter

Andrews, Horace Clifford (Service No.: - ), Cas. Porter/Porter

AU WA S23 cons3393 Andrews, H.C.

Andrews, Hugh David (Service No.: - ), Temp. Patternmaker

Andrews, Hugh David (Service No.: - ), Temp. Patternmaker

AU WA S23 cons3393 Andrews, H.D.

Andrews, Herbert Walter (Service No.: - ), Car Builder

Andrews, Herbert Walter (Service No.: - ), Car Builder

AU WA S23 cons3393 Andrews, H.W.

Andrews, James (Service No.: - ), Repairer

Andrews, James (Service No.: - ), Repairer

AU WA S23 cons3393 Andrews, J.

Andrews, John Douglas (Service No.: - ), Moulder/Iron Moulder

Andrews, John Douglas (Service No.: - ), Moulder/Iron Moulder

AU WA S23 cons3393 Andrews, J.D.

Andrews, James Gordon (Service No.: 70032), Labourer/Ftrs Asst/Ftrs Asst WAASRE

Andrews, James Gordon (Service No.: 70032), Labourer/Ftrs Asst/Ftrs Asst WAASRE

AU WA S23 cons3393 Andrews, J.G.

Andrews, Rosina Barbara (Mrs) (Service No. - ), Student

Andrews, Rosina Barbara (Mrs) (Service No. - ), Student

AU WA S23 cons3393 Andrews, R.B. (Mrs

Andrews, Roy Henry Garside (Service No.: - ), Cadet

Andrews, Roy Henry Garside (Service No.: - ), Cadet

AU WA S23 cons3393 Andrews, R.H.G.

Andrews, Stanley Alfred (Service No. - ), Repairer

Andrews, Stanley Alfred (Service No. - ), Repairer

AU WA S23 cons3393 Andrews, S.A.

Andrews, Sydney Lawrence (Service.: 64907), Labourer/Striker

Andrews, Sydney Lawrence (Service.: 64907), Labourer/Striker

AU WA S23 cons3393 Andrews, S.L.

Andrews, Thomas Henry (Service No.: - ), Fitter

Andrews, Thomas Henry (Service No.: - ), Fitter

AU WA S23 cons3393 Andrews, T.H.

Andrews, Thomas Henry (Service No.: - ), Goods Porter

Andrews, Thomas Henry (Service No.: - ), Goods Porter

AU WA S23 cons3393 Andrews, T.H.

Andrews William George (Service No.: - ), Motorman

Andrews William George (Service No.: - ), Motorman

AU WA S23 cons3393 Andrews, W.G.

Andrews, William Henry Alfred (Service No.: - ), Process Worker/Labourer

Andrews, William Henry Alfred (Service No.: - ), Process Worker/Labourer

AU WA S23 cons3393 Andrews, W.H.A.

Andrews, J.J. (Service No.: - ), Part time Pumper, Broad Arrow.

Andrews, J.J. (Service No.: - ), Part time Pumper, Broad Arrow.

AU WA S23 cons3393 Andrews, J.J.

Andro, Joseph (Service No.: - ), Ganger

Andro, Joseph (Service No.: - ), Ganger

AU WA S23 cons3393 Andro, J.

Andro, Joseph (Service No.: - ), Cook/Repairer/Length Runner/Acting Ganger/Ga...

Andro, Joseph (Service No.: - ), Cook/Repairer/Length Runner/Acting Ganger/Ganger

AU WA S23 cons3393 Andro, J.

Angel, Charles William (Service No.: - ), Platelayer

Angel, Charles William (Service No.: - ), Platelayer

AU WA S23 cons3393 Angel, C.W.

Angel, Charles William (Service No.: - ), Platelayer

Angel, Charles William (Service No.: - ), Platelayer

AU WA S23 cons3393 Angel, C.W.

Angelo, Max John (Service No.: 65532), Electrical Fitter

Angelo, Max John (Service No.: 65532), Electrical Fitter

AU WA S23 cons3393 Angelo, M.J.

Angley, John (Service.: - ), Repairer

Angley, John (Service.: - ), Repairer

AU WA S23 cons3393 Angley, J.

Angus, John Garthorn (Service No.: -), Porter/Shunter/Actg. Porter/Checker/N....

Angus, John Garthorn (Service No.: -), Porter/Shunter/Actg. Porter/Checker/N.S.M./A.S.M./S.M./Goods Clk. C.5

AU WA S23 cons3393 Angus, J.G.

Angus, Thomas Eden (Service No.: -), Porter/Alg. Clerk/Relief Officer/Stn. R....

Angus, Thomas Eden (Service No.: -), Porter/Alg. Clerk/Relief Officer/Stn. R.O./S.M./S.M. C6

AU WA S23 cons3393 Angus, T.E.

Angwin, Archie Edgar (Service No.: -), Temp. Jnr. Porter/Jnr. Porter

Angwin, Archie Edgar (Service No.: -), Temp. Jnr. Porter/Jnr. Porter

AU WA S23 cons3393 Angwin, A.E.

Angwin, Arnold Lawrence (Service No.: -), Cleaner/Fireman/Fireman 2nd Class/F...

Angwin, Arnold Lawrence (Service No.: -), Cleaner/Fireman/Fireman 2nd Class/Fireman 1st Class/Driver C4/Driver C3/Driver 1st Class

AU WA S23 cons3393 Angwin, A.L.

Annakin, Richard Edward (Service No.: -), Cas. Porter/J. Porter/Goods Porter/...

Annakin, Richard Edward (Service No.: -), Cas. Porter/J. Porter/Goods Porter/Porter/Stower/Checker

AU WA S23 cons3393 Annakin, R.E.

Annear, Thomas (Service No.: -), Labourer

Annear, Thomas (Service No.: -), Labourer

AU WA S23 cons3393 Annear, T.

Annert, George William (Service No.: -), Striker

Annert, George William (Service No.: -), Striker

AU WA S23 cons3393 Annert, G.W.

Anning, Charles William (Service No.: -), App. Moulder

Anning, Charles William (Service No.: -), App. Moulder

AU WA S23 cons3393 Anning, C.W.

Annson, Walter Henry (Service No.: -), Attendant

Annson, Walter Henry (Service No.: -), Attendant

AU WA S23 cons3393 Annson, W.H.

Anstey, John Robert (Service No.: -), Porter

Anstey, John Robert (Service No.: -), Porter

AU WA S23 cons3393 Anstey, J.R.

Anthony, Frank (Service No.: 20834), Porter/Repairer/Goods Porter/Stower/R.&D...

Anthony, Frank (Service No.: 20834), Porter/Repairer/Goods Porter/Stower/R.&D.G.Porter/Delivery Ptr./Shunter/Hd.Shunter/Checker/Mtr.Tr.Dvr./Road maker/Bus Driver

AU WA S23 cons3393 Anthony, F.

Antoniolli, Giovanni (Service No.: 42857), Temp. Repr./Repairer

Antoniolli, Giovanni (Service No.: 42857), Temp. Repr./Repairer

AU WA S23 cons3393 Antoniolli, G.

Antonovich, Matty (Service No.: 71363), Fuelman

Antonovich, Matty (Service No.: 71363), Fuelman

AU WA S23 cons3393 Antonovich, M.

Anzic, Anton (Service No.: 34186), Temp. Repairer/Repairer/Trackman

Anzic, Anton (Service No.: 34186), Temp. Repairer/Repairer/Trackman

AU WA S23 cons3393 Anzic, A.

Anzic, Anton (Service No.: 34186), Trackman

Anzic, Anton (Service No.: 34186), Trackman

AU WA S23 cons3393 Anzic, A.

Apbery, Frederick Cleveland (Service No.: -), Porter/Waiter/D. Car Attdt.

Apbery, Frederick Cleveland (Service No.: -), Porter/Waiter/D. Car Attdt.

AU WA S23 cons3393 Apbery, F.C.

Appleby, Ernest (Service No.: -), Temp. Clerk

Appleby, Ernest (Service No.: -), Temp. Clerk

AU WA S23 cons3393 Appleby, E.

Appleby, Frederick William (Service No.: -), Turner/Draftsman/Acting Testing ...

Appleby, Frederick William (Service No.: -), Turner/Draftsman/Acting Testing Officer/Testing Officer

AU WA S23 cons3393 Appleby, F.W.

Appleby, Roy Francis (Service No.: -), Iron Moulder

Appleby, Roy Francis (Service No.: -), Iron Moulder

AU WA S23 cons3393 Appleby, R.F.

Appleby, William George (Service No.: 11789), Pt. Time Pumper / Pumper, Bencu...

Appleby, William George (Service No.: 11789), Pt. Time Pumper / Pumper, Bencubbin.

AU WA S23 cons3393 Appleby, W.G.

Appleton, Ronald Jack (Service No.: -), Trainee Trimmer

Appleton, Ronald Jack (Service No.: -), Trainee Trimmer

AU WA S23 cons3393 Appleton, R.J.

Appleton, Thomas (Service No.: 21547), Porter

Appleton, Thomas (Service No.: 21547), Porter

AU WA S23 cons3393 Appleton, T.

Appleyard, Albert John (Service No.: -), Moulder

Appleyard, Albert John (Service No.: -), Moulder

AU WA S23 cons3393 Appleyard, A.J.

Results 251 to 300 of 16046