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Adam Dr R

Adam Dr R

AU WA S38 cons3407 01

Australian Council on Smoking and Health

Australian Council on Smoking and Health

AU WA S38 cons3407 02

Australian Labor Party and State Parliamentary Labor Party

Australian Labor Party and State Parliamentary Labor Party

AU WA S38 cons3407 03

Castleden W M

Castleden W M

AU WA S38 cons3407 04

Evans Senator J. - Australian Democrats

Evans Senator J. - Australian Democrats

AU WA S38 cons3407 05

Finemore JC

Finemore JC

AU WA S38 cons3407 06

Gallop Dr G

Gallop Dr G

AU WA S38 cons3407 07

Jaensch Dr D

Jaensch Dr D

AU WA S38 cons3407 08

Johnson S E I

Johnson S E I

AU WA S38 cons3407 09

Liberal Party of Western Australia

Liberal Party of Western Australia

AU WA S38 cons3407 10

National Party Of Western Australia

National Party Of Western Australia

AU WA S38 cons3407 11

Norris P

Norris P

AU WA S38 cons3407 12

Parkinson S W

Parkinson S W

AU WA S38 cons3407 13

Rydon Dr J

Rydon Dr J

AU WA S38 cons3407 14

Smith G

Smith G

AU WA S38 cons3407 15

Taylor G A

Taylor G A

AU WA S38 cons3407 16

Tennant B G

Tennant B G

AU WA S38 cons3407 17

Trades and Labor Council of Western Australia

Trades and Labor Council of Western Australia

AU WA S38 cons3407 18

Veszely J C

Veszely J C

AU WA S38 cons3407 19

Waldron F J

Waldron F J

AU WA S38 cons3407 20

Wiltshire K

Wiltshire K

AU WA S38 cons3407 21

Rae Senator P

Rae Senator P

AU WA S38 cons3407 28

Sharman C

Sharman C

AU WA S38 cons3407 29

Hearman Hon J

Hearman Hon J

AU WA S38 cons3407 30

Gutteridge Dr D H

Gutteridge Dr D H

AU WA S38 cons3407 31

National Party of Australia (W A Branch) JW Ferguson

National Party of Australia (W A Branch) JW Ferguson

AU WA S38 cons3407 32

Black D

Black D

AU WA S38 cons3407 34

Musk Dr AW

Musk Dr AW

AU WA S38 cons3407 37

Hoff B C

Hoff B C

AU WA S38 cons3407 38

Court Sir C

Court Sir C

AU WA S38 cons3407 39

Evans Senator G

Evans Senator G

AU WA S38 cons3407 40

Stapp G H

Stapp G H

AU WA S38 cons3407 41

Johnston P W

Johnston P W

AU WA S38 cons3407 42

Name witheld by request

Name witheld by request

AU WA S38 cons3407 43

Duplicate copies of submissions (2 volumes)

Duplicate copies of submissions (2 volumes)

AU WA S38 cons3407 D

Submissions Register

Submissions Register

AU WA S38 cons3407 R